Are you a teacher, pedagogue, psychologist, principal, politician, researcher, parent or curious about gifted children and giftedness?
Then we’d really like to talk with you.
We are a network for anyone who is interested in educational policy initiatives, research and other initiatives that can make a positive difference for gifted children and young people.
We are an association and network for professionals, politicians, businesses, parents, children, and young people. We believe that a joint effort is required if we want to ensure every gifted child’s right to well-being and challenges. We campaign politically for the gifted children and we work together with researchers and professionals to help make the Danish pre- and primary schools a place where gifted children can thrive and unfold their gift.
Want to learn more?
Focus groups and activities

Focus groups
Our network consists of several groups focused on a particular topic. You can participate in one or more to your heart’s desire.
The goal is to make it easy for you and your peers to share ideas and specialist knowledge.
Current groups: Educational politics, Youth, Didactics, Pedagogy, Preschoolers, 2E, Research, and Family

Lectures and workshops
We regularly invite skilled and interesting people to tell about their profession or experiences.

We coorporate about visits, recruitment, internships, lectures and much more.
I accede…
Begavet med Glæde is founded on the principles of a charter; a bill of rights for gifted children. If you or your organisation want to join us, you need to accede to the charter.
If you want to become a member, this is some of what you are agreeing to:
- the needs of gifted children are different from the norm
- gifted children have the same right to well-being and challenges as any other child
- professionals have the right to be educated in the needs of gifted children
- the children’s endowment must not be the subject of bullying
- the child’s giftedness must not overshadow the fact that they are children
- the children must be met with acceptance, recognition, respect and understanding.